
Showing posts from November, 2020

Memory Loss: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

This time KRIMS Hospitals, Nagpur is here to provide information about one of the most common diseases which is memory loss. To learn about what is memory loss and how to deal with this disease, what are the causes and symptoms?  Everyone suffers a loss of memory periodically. Mild memory loss tends to increase with age and is usually no reason for concern. But the gradual loss of memory due to diseases such as Alzheimer's disease may be serious.  What is the loss of memory?  Our memory is where we collect, preserve, and retrieve information. Memory failure will happen because there is any damage to the portion of our brain that conducts these tasks. Memory loss is a symptom of which a person develops an uncommon degree of forgetfulness and incapacity in their life to remember past events. This is normally a result of brain trauma that may have been caused by sickness, disease, or severe emotional stress. The lack of memory may be temporary or permanent. Not all problems in memory

High Blood Pressure vs Low Blood Pressure

Whether you have diabetes or not, blood pressure control is necessary. Here are some tips provided by KRIMS Hospitals, Nagpur to deal with blood pressure. It is often connected with diabetes and high blood pressure, and several people with diabetes take medicine to reduce their blood pressure.  Hypertension, therefore, is nothing but high blood pressure and is a serious condition as it makes it more difficult for the heart to pump blood into the body and can result in a higher risk of heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure if not controlled.  Similarly, low blood pressure is called hypotension. Blood pressure drops below a systolic value of 90 and a diastolic value of 60. in this condition.  What does blood pressure mean?  Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in your arteries as the heart pumps.  Why is high blood pressure essential to look out for?  This is incredibly normal. There is high blood pressure in about 1 in 3 Indian adults. It's quite problematic. High blood pres

Why is jogging the best exercise for overall body health?

As a service to our reader’s KRIMS hospitals, Nagpur provides various information related to health and care. This time we have arrived with a new blog which is about jogging exercise. A popular type of physical activity is jogging or running. Jogging is an interesting workout because you can jog at any time that suits you and it doesn't cost anything to engage in it. Most of us are well aware of the many health benefits of exercise, but it is always the tough part to find the discipline to not just start exercising but also continue to it.  You can find it on these blogs, and in its informative, inspiring, and motivational content supplied by KRIMS Hospitals which regarded as the  best hospital in Nagpur , whether you are at the beginning of your fitness journey or in desperate need of some inspiration to keep moving. Jogging is a low-intensity activity that can fulfil multiple purposes and contribute to significant wellness, fitness, and functional changes. As a result of its con