
Showing posts with the label legs

What is emergency care at the accident spot?

A lot of people get severely injured and even lose their life or limb in accidents and mishaps. There is a strong and common belief among experts that several of these injuries and loss of life and limb can be controlled with proper emergency care/first aid at the spot of the accident. Here are a few things that you should do in case of an accident, When you are approaching a spot of the accident, first of all, ensure your safety. Make sure there is no risk to your well being, like flowing traffic or mortar falling from a height etc. Call for help. In most areas, there are 24 by 7 available emergency helplines and toll-free numbers for ambulance and police. If you are at the spot on your own, make sure to make the call before you get to helping the troubled. If there are other people, ask them to make the call and wait for help from  critical care hospital in Nagpur  to arrive. Provide your attention to the injured who are screaming, yelling, crying or moving first, thes

3 easy tips to improve your walking technique

You’re walking around your neighborhood on a nice Sunday morning. You smell the air, look at the scenery and wave to people on your street. But how is your walking posture? Are you slouching and dangling your arms by your side? Are you lifting your feet? If you’re like most people, the way you walk doesn’t even pop into your mind – but it should. Walking has many good effects like it can improve your balance, lift your mood and prevent serious illnesses such as heart disease and high blood pressure. According to chest specialist at KRIMS Hospitals, which is regarded as the best orthopedic hospital in Nagpur , as you grow older, you can form bad walking habits such as slumping, dragging your feet and twisting your body, all of which can lead to back pain, discomfort, and injury. It is a wide known saying that habits are hard to break, but fixing your walking technique can be a breeze with a few easy steps. These are three ways by which you can improve your walking technique: