
Showing posts with the label health benefits

Can Green Tea Really Help With Weight Loss?

Green tea has been associated with several health benefits, including weight loss, due to its rich nutritional and antioxidant makeup. While it has recently gained popularity, green tea has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat numerous conditions from headaches to wound-healing. More recently experts from all around the world and from the best hospitals in Nagpur have linked green tea to weight loss. Let us look at the evidence behind this claim, as well as the most effective methods of consuming green tea to help with weight loss. What Is Green Tea? Tea comes in different varieties, but all are derived from the same plant. Green, black, white, and oolong tea are produced from the Camellia sinensis plant. Green tea is manufactured by steaming the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It does not go through the same fermentation process used to make other types of tea, such as oolong or black tea, so it retains more of the antioxidants and nutrients

5 health benefits of eating apple in winter

They must have thought something before making the phrase 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' popular. We might take it as a joke on doctors, but consuming apples is indeed very beneficial for our health. Since the arrival of winter, apples couldn't be seen in abundance at the market. They can be included in salads, smoothies, pies, and desserts. So many health benefits in one fruit can even reduce your trips to the  best hospital in Nagpur . Read on to find out the exclusive winter benefits of apples... Diabetes and Blood Sugar Fructose and antioxidant polyphenols present in apples enhance the metabolic balance and slow the rate at which sugar is absorbed in the body. This is especially beneficial for people suffering from diabetes who have to keep their sugar levels under control. Recent studies have shown that apples reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes due to the presence of Anthocyanin, a class of antioxidants responsible for the red, blue and purple colour