
Showing posts with the label solution

5 effective ways to handle stress and stressful situation

There are very simple tips that can help you deal with stress easily, follow these simple tips and bid farewell to all the health threatening stress. Avoid caffeine and alcohol and nicotine: Caffeine and nicotine are stimulation that are known that to stimulate your body and thus will indirectly increase the existing stress levels. Alcohol, that is commonly known and found as a depressant acts as a stimulant in smaller quantities. One would be suggest to swap or exchange these drinks with herbal teas, juices etc. These drinks are known to help human beings deal with stress. Start physical exercise/activity: When there are stressful situations, stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are released. There hormones are also known as “Flight or fight” hormones. These responses were a good solution in older situations were either of the two were understood as a solution, that is not the case today. Hence, as one exercises or indulges in any physical activity, these hormone...