
Showing posts with the label KRIMS hospitals

Saturated Fat vs Unsaturated Fat

Fats are an important part of our everyday diets when it comes to balancing the body's health by eating the right kinds of foods and nutrients. While you may associate fats with bad habits and health problems, experts believe that our body needs a certain amount of fat for energy and other activities. Fats not only provide a critical energy source for the human body, but they also help us absorb minerals and vitamins, create cell membranes, improve nerve health, aid muscle movement, and contribute to the process of inflammation to protect the body from infections. Fats can be classified as both harmful and helpful. The two most common types are unsaturated and saturated fats. Understanding the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats is important for long-term health and making the right dietary choices. It is also crucial to know the foods that contain both. What Is Saturated Fat? Saturated fats are densely packed fats that are solid at room temperature due to the lack of

Thyroid Diseases: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

The summer season brings with it lots of new challenges. Despite the fact that it might be hot outside, the body must adjust to temperature variations. Dehydration, skin burns, fever, heatstroke, and other problems arise as the temperature rises. In order to keep your immune system healthy throughout the summer, you must eat a well-balanced diet that includes seasonal foods and stay hydrated. Some precautions to take during the summer season are mentioned below. Here are some precautions to be taken during summer in India:- Always carry sunscreen :-Always apply sunscreen before going out in the sun to shield yourself from harmful UV rays. It also prevents you from early aging so use sunscreen and keep it with you at all times. Stay hydrated :- Drink plenty of water on a daily basis to stay hydrated. Oranges, watermelons, cucumbers, lemons, and other water-rich fruits must be eaten. In the summer, you should stay fit and hydrated by drinking fruit juices or smoothies, which can help p

Top 5 fruits that help to increase your immunity

During the start of every new season, we often hear the term seasonal sickness.' This happens as a result of the sudden shift in weather. This can also cause the immune system to weaken, leaving the human body prone to disease or illness. This necessitates preventative care to keep the body in good shape. The fruit is a neglected but effective way for improving and maintaining the immune system all year. So, instead of worrying about being sick, include these five fruits in your daily diet. You can relax a little more knowing that you're providing your body with the resources it requires to stay safe. Doctors at KRIMS HospitalS also suggest that the fruits are good for Boosting your Immune System. KRIMS Hospitals is the best multispeciality hospital in Nagpur . Here are five fruits that will help boost your immune system:- Oranges : Oranges are very healthy at any time of the year. Oranges are well-known for being high in the immune-boosting vitamin C, with each variety contain

What is Migraine? Causes and Treatment

Migraine is an extreme headache, frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting, light and sound sensitivity. A migraine, normally on one side of the head, can cause intense throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation. It can last for hours to days for migraine attacks, and the pain can be so extreme that it interferes with everyday activities. For some individuals, before or with a headache, an alert sign is known as an aura occurs. Visual disturbances, such as light or blind spot flashes, or other disturbances, such as tingling on one side of the face or in the arm or leg, and trouble speaking, can have an aura. Medications can help avoid and make certain migraines less painful. The right medications, combined with remedies for self-help and changes in lifestyle, can help. You can visit the KRIMS Hospitals if you suffer from migraine or headache-related problems. It is the best multispeciality hospital in Nagpur . Causes of Migraine Migraine is caused by abnormal activity in the brain. Many th

Lung cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

A type of cancer that occurs in the lungs is lung cancer. Two spongy organs in your chest are your lungs that take in oxygen as you inhale and release carbon dioxide as you exhale. The main cause of cancer deaths worldwide is lung cancer. People who smoke have the highest chance of lung cancer, but people who don't smoke can still get lung cancer. With the amount of time and number of cigarettes you have smoked, the risk of lung cancer increases. You will greatly lower the risk of contracting lung cancer if you quit smoking, even after smoking for several years. Lung cancers can affect almost any part of the lung, but 90-95% of lung cancers are caused by epithelial cells, cells that line the larger and smaller airways (bronchi and bronchioles), which is why lung cancers are often referred to as bronchogenic or bronchogenic cancers. (Another word for cancer is carcinoma.) Cancers can also arise from pleura (called mesotheliomas) or rarely from supporting tissues such as blood vessel

What are the symptoms of a heart stroke?

Heart strokes are medical emergencies that endanger life. The faster a person understands a heart stroke, the higher the survival chances and complete recovery. To ensure prompt care, it's crucial to understand the signs and symptoms of a stroke. A stroke occurs when the brain's inadequate blood flow prevents the brain tissue from obtaining oxygen and other vital nutrients. When a bloodstream brings oxygen and nutrients to the brain, this may happen. Any cells in the brain that do not obtain oxygen start to die. Within moments, this can occur. An individual will often get a temporary clot. This can lead to an ischemic (TIA) or "mini-stroke" attack. A bulge in an artery that can burst is a brain aneurysm It may contribute to a stroke. One of the leading causes of death worldwide is heart stroke. Treatment is effective if given not many hours after a stroke has occurred within the original, so it is important to identify the side effects and respond quickly. You can vis

How has COVID-19 affected Nagpur?

In many ways, it has affected Nagpur as those who got their jobs this year got a holiday early due to pandemic, the kids who wanted to score higher gotta simple pass, the open stalls in Nagpur suffered a heavy drop in the economy and people suffered as it was regular habit due to exercise in the gym or swimming. Coronavirus or COVID-19, as we all know, is extremely transmissible. It affects human immunity and can become dangerous among those who, especially the elderly, have other health problems. Business owners and other operations were closed, such as construction, etc. Emergency services such as the police, fire department, water supply facilities, and power boards are available to government buildings with limited workers and functionality. There are nearly all regions that become a cantonment area, but corona patients, like Satranjipura, Mominpura, Naik Talav, typically affect some of the cantonment regions in Nagpur. COVID-19 has affected the following things in Nagpur:- Econom

Asthma: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Asthma is a disease of the lungs that triggers respiration. Asthma affects regular breathing; for an asthma patient, everyday physical tasks become difficult or impossible. When proper care is delayed, asthma can be life threatening. Respiratory disorders such as asthma are becoming alarmingly widespread due to factors like rising pollution. India is estimated by the World Health Organization to have nearly 20 million asthma patients. Asthma also affects children, typically between the ages of 5 and 11. The air we breathe in passes through the nose, throat and into the lungs while breathing. Asthma develops when the airways in the lungs widen and tighten the muscles around them. This allows mucus to block the respiratory tract, further blocking the oxygen supply to the lungs. The consequence is an asthma attack from coughing, etc. Symptoms of Asthma:- Some of the asthma symptoms are: - Coughing, particularly in the night, when laughing or exercising. - Wheezing a sound of whistling whi

Are you getting acne from wearing your mask?

Mask defines acne caused by wearing a face mask, a term that started circulating during the COVID-19 pandemic. The phenomenon also affects people who, especially those who already have acne-prone skin, wear a face covering for extended periods. Although the situation is an annoyance, you may take minor measures to limit acne. Maskne is a type of mechanical acne which like your face and a mask rubbing together is commonly caused by heat and friction. When there is an external irritant that causes scratching, skin cells tip under the skin in people prone to skin and this causes acne. Maskne, sadly, is impossible for some people to avoid. To aid stop the spread of COVID-19, we all need to do our part, which makes it incredibly necessary to wear a mask. Here are a few steps to avoid Maskne:- Cleanse your face with a product containing a whitener:- This tip is often helpful for every individual who has oily skin, however, take care that you have not chosen to exaggerate a strip consisting o

How to differentiate between COVID-19 and Common Flu?

We all know that the flu season is just around the corner every year when summer comes to an end and school opens. But this year, while we're still in the middle of the COVID-19 outbreak, our annual flu season will start. You've also learned that there are many of the same signs that coronavirus and the flu have. And maybe right now you're still feeling a little under the weather. So how can you say the differences between the symptoms of COVID-19 and those of the flu? The simple answer is this: It can be challenging. But to help you, KRIMS Hospitals is here. KRIMS Hospitals is the best hospital in Nagpur . Are your flu symptoms consistent? Or are these indicators indicating that you were affected by COVID-19? The differences between the flu symptoms and COVID-19 will be broken down, and also what other differences and similarities occur between both the two viral diseases so that you are as ready as possible for the flu season. What causes COVID-19 and the Flu?  The virus

Memory Loss: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

This time KRIMS Hospitals, Nagpur is here to provide information about one of the most common diseases which is memory loss. To learn about what is memory loss and how to deal with this disease, what are the causes and symptoms?  Everyone suffers a loss of memory periodically. Mild memory loss tends to increase with age and is usually no reason for concern. But the gradual loss of memory due to diseases such as Alzheimer's disease may be serious.  What is the loss of memory?  Our memory is where we collect, preserve, and retrieve information. Memory failure will happen because there is any damage to the portion of our brain that conducts these tasks. Memory loss is a symptom of which a person develops an uncommon degree of forgetfulness and incapacity in their life to remember past events. This is normally a result of brain trauma that may have been caused by sickness, disease, or severe emotional stress. The lack of memory may be temporary or permanent. Not all problems in memory

Here's How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health During Lockdown

Here are some tips that have resonated from discussions I have held with academic leaders and students about responding to COVID-19: Manage your expectations This is unlikely to be the writer’s retreat that you have long dreamt of. The suggestion that periods of quarantine might bring unprecedented productivity implies we should raise the bar, rather than lower it. Do not underestimate the cognitive and emotional load that this pandemic brings, or the impact it will have on your productivity, at least in the short term. Difficulty concentrating, low motivation and a state of distraction are to be expected. Adaptation will take time. Go easy on yourself. As we settle into this new rhythm of remote work and isolation, we need to be realistic in the goals we set, both for ourselves and others in our charge. Proactively manage your stress threshold Try to lay a solid foundation for your mental health and well-being by prioritizing your sleep, and practise good sleep hygiene (fo

Can Green Tea Really Help With Weight Loss?

Green tea has been associated with several health benefits, including weight loss, due to its rich nutritional and antioxidant makeup. While it has recently gained popularity, green tea has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat numerous conditions from headaches to wound-healing. More recently experts from all around the world and from the best hospitals in Nagpur have linked green tea to weight loss. Let us look at the evidence behind this claim, as well as the most effective methods of consuming green tea to help with weight loss. What Is Green Tea? Tea comes in different varieties, but all are derived from the same plant. Green, black, white, and oolong tea are produced from the Camellia sinensis plant. Green tea is manufactured by steaming the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It does not go through the same fermentation process used to make other types of tea, such as oolong or black tea, so it retains more of the antioxidants and nutrients

Top easy exercises that keep your heart healthy

Keeping the heart healthy helps you lead an active life. Have you ever wondered what kind of exercises you can do to keep your heart healthy? People have become very conscious about their health and are taking steps to eat right and maintain a healthy body. Exercising is not just good for the heart, but it has positive effects on the overall body. For example, if you're an asthma patient, then simple breathing exercises can lower your trips to the  chest specialist in Nagpur  if you belong to the central India region. So pull up your socks, and start exercising because regular exercise can help you Burn calories Lower blood pressure Reduce bad cholesterol Boost up good cholesterol Fun fact:  People who don't exercise are almost twice as likely to get heart diseases compared to people who are active. Now you must be wondering, what exercises you can do and start with. That's why we are here to guide you through this journey. You can start with something as

Huntington's Disease: Symptoms and Treatment

Huntington's Disease is an inherited disease that causes the breakdown or death of nerve cells in the brain. It might come as a shock to people to be diagnosed with this disease because it's symptoms are not well known. Any mental disease or disorder requires lots of patience and understanding from the patient as well as the family and friends. Getting treatment from the  best hospital in Nagpur  is also essential so that the disease does not manifest into something more. Symptoms Huntington's Disease can be categorized as a hereditary disease which cannot be "caught" from another person. It can only be passed down in the family line. Symptoms of the disease can appear from childhood to later stages. It gradually kills the nerve cells of the brain, affecting the body, mind, and emotions. Early-stage symptoms are as follows: -Changes in coordination affecting balance of the body, making a person clumsy -Fidgeting movements that cannot be controlle

Things you need to know about overthinking

Overthinking is a habit most of us engage in. Thinking about thousands of scenarios in our head about a small incident, instead of taking action and doing something is what we call overthinking. It's never a bad idea to think twice before doing anything. But when this frequency increases from twice to more, then it is a cause of alarm. Thinking in circles has never helped anyone reach a constructive solution. Instead, it has astounding negative effects on the body which should not be ignored. Read on to know more about how overthinking can adversely affect your body. Mental Health Overthinking directly affects our mental health. It can cause anxiety, depression, and other neurological disorders that might require consulting an expert professional. Excessive thinking makes the person feeling negative and sad all the time. Hormonal Imbalance Thinking in circles can cause the brain to release excessive chemicals that can disrupt the hormonal balance of the body. These che

How to take good care of your health in monsoon?

Monsoon is one of those seasons that is liked by many people because of the greenery that it creates around them, it also helps people get rid of Summer heat and so on and so forth. But it is not like everyone likes monsoon, many people also dislike it because of the havoc it creates when it rains too much. But during Monsoon, we must take utmost care of our health since we are prone to many diseases during monsoons. The people who are suffering from Asthma should take care of themselves the most during monsoons, as during monsoons Bronchial irritants are present in the air which includes smoke from Vehicles, cigarette smoke, wood fire and pollution added by the factories. The best way to manage Asthma during monsoon is by taking medication daily as Asthma patients should not skip even a single dose prescribed by the Doctor. Some Asthma patients are also advised to carry Inhalers with them wherever they go. Asthma patients should even stay away from Air Conditioners in the house

Top 5 natural remedies for migraine treatment

Migraine is a very common condition, according to the Migraine Research Foundation (MRF) Migraine headaches are not just headaches but these are a part of neurological conditions and are often followed by conditions like, Nausea Vomiting Visual changes Numbness in hand and feet Sound, light and smell sensitivity Migraine headaches are known as chronic disorders and also known to cause negative impact on the patient’s life. There are various medications that are used to heal or ease the migraine pain. But, still there is a group of patients that lie on natural remedies for cure or help. Acupressure Acupressure involves the application of pressure on one’s body at specific locations. This pressure is known to relieve and ease the muscle pain. One such well known point of pressure is in the space between the base and of the left thumb and pointing i.e. index finger. As migraine is a chronic disorder, one understand about the factors triggering the headaches slowly. C

Common lung problems and causes

Lung related issues are common throughout the world can be caused by many things like smoking, infections, genetics, etc. Lungs are that part of the body that expand several times a day to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. We may observe most of the respiratory problems are caused owing to lung diseases. The needed oxygen in the body does not get in and this gives birth to respiratory disorders. Let’s have a look at common lung diseases and their causes. Asthma Asthma occurs due to inflamed airways which cause wheezing and shortness of breath. Infections, allergies like dust allergy or pollution can cause asthma symptoms. Bronchitis It is a situation where the tubes in the body that carry air to and from the lungs get inflamed. Cold, flu, smoke and other irritants can cause it. If the cough, mucus stays on for three weeks you must definitely see a doctor. Pneumonia In this condition, the air sacs can get infected by a virus, bacteria or fungus which thus get

Things you need to know about pulmonology

Pulmonology is a medical speciality that deals with diseases involving the respiratory tract. Pulmonology is synonymous with pneumology which means lungs in Greek. Pulmonology is known as chest medicine and respiratory medicine in some countries and areas. It is considered a branch of internal medicine and is related to intensive care medicine. Pulmonology often involves managing patients who need life support and mechanical ventilation. Pulmonologists are specially trained in diseases and conditions of the chest, particularly pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema, and complicated chest infections. KRIMS Hospitals, Department of Pulmonology provides comprehensive care across the spectrum of diseases. Our team of experienced doctors is recognized for its superior clinical skills and treats all categories of patients from children to elders. We have a highly qualified team of Pulmonologist in Nagpur  to take care and give proper medications and counseling all Respiratory Disea