
Showing posts with the label blood pressure

Top easy exercises that keep your heart healthy

Keeping the heart healthy helps you lead an active life. Have you ever wondered what kind of exercises you can do to keep your heart healthy? People have become very conscious about their health and are taking steps to eat right and maintain a healthy body. Exercising is not just good for the heart, but it has positive effects on the overall body. For example, if you're an asthma patient, then simple breathing exercises can lower your trips to the  chest specialist in Nagpur  if you belong to the central India region. So pull up your socks, and start exercising because regular exercise can help you Burn calories Lower blood pressure Reduce bad cholesterol Boost up good cholesterol Fun fact:  People who don't exercise are almost twice as likely to get heart diseases compared to people who are active. Now you must be wondering, what exercises you can do and start with. That's why we are here to guide you through this journey. You can start with something as

Things you need to know about overthinking

Overthinking is a habit most of us engage in. Thinking about thousands of scenarios in our head about a small incident, instead of taking action and doing something is what we call overthinking. It's never a bad idea to think twice before doing anything. But when this frequency increases from twice to more, then it is a cause of alarm. Thinking in circles has never helped anyone reach a constructive solution. Instead, it has astounding negative effects on the body which should not be ignored. Read on to know more about how overthinking can adversely affect your body. Mental Health Overthinking directly affects our mental health. It can cause anxiety, depression, and other neurological disorders that might require consulting an expert professional. Excessive thinking makes the person feeling negative and sad all the time. Hormonal Imbalance Thinking in circles can cause the brain to release excessive chemicals that can disrupt the hormonal balance of the body. These che

3 easy tips to improve your walking technique

You’re walking around your neighborhood on a nice Sunday morning. You smell the air, look at the scenery and wave to people on your street. But how is your walking posture? Are you slouching and dangling your arms by your side? Are you lifting your feet? If you’re like most people, the way you walk doesn’t even pop into your mind – but it should. Walking has many good effects like it can improve your balance, lift your mood and prevent serious illnesses such as heart disease and high blood pressure. According to chest specialist at KRIMS Hospitals, which is regarded as the best orthopedic hospital in Nagpur , as you grow older, you can form bad walking habits such as slumping, dragging your feet and twisting your body, all of which can lead to back pain, discomfort, and injury. It is a wide known saying that habits are hard to break, but fixing your walking technique can be a breeze with a few easy steps. These are three ways by which you can improve your walking technique: