
Showing posts with the label medical condition

How to get rid of Nausea?

Nausea is the sickening condition in your stomach that makes you feel like you're going to vomit. A virus, a digestive disorder, pregnancy, or even an unpleasant smell may set it off. We've all experienced the rumbling, gurgling sensation in the pit of our stomach. In certain cases, nausea will easily lead to vomiting until it starts to bubble. Even if nausea is the only symptom, it may spoil your day and send you running for the medicine box. However, you may want to reach for a glass of water or a natural remedy. On the other hand, depending on the symptoms, you might need to see a doctor immediately. Many times, the cause of nausea is unknown. When it happens for some reason, you'll do almost anything to make it go away. Many nausea treatments don't always work, but they do make you feel a little better. If you often get nauseous after taking medicine on a daily basis or generally, you can visit KRIMS Hospitals in Nagpur. It is Nagpur's renowned and well-establis

Can Green Tea Really Help With Weight Loss?

Green tea has been associated with several health benefits, including weight loss, due to its rich nutritional and antioxidant makeup. While it has recently gained popularity, green tea has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat numerous conditions from headaches to wound-healing. More recently experts from all around the world and from the best hospitals in Nagpur have linked green tea to weight loss. Let us look at the evidence behind this claim, as well as the most effective methods of consuming green tea to help with weight loss. What Is Green Tea? Tea comes in different varieties, but all are derived from the same plant. Green, black, white, and oolong tea are produced from the Camellia sinensis plant. Green tea is manufactured by steaming the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It does not go through the same fermentation process used to make other types of tea, such as oolong or black tea, so it retains more of the antioxidants and nutrients

Hidden known facts about childhood obesity

Childhood Obesity is a medical condition in which the child is above the normal weight for his or her age and height. It may not look like a serious issue to you now, but childhood obesity has many negative effects on the overall health and well being of the child as there are various health risks that are involved in an obese/overweight child. The chances of getting High blood pressure and cholesterol which are also termed as the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases are high in overweight/obese children. There is also an increased risk of insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes in overweight/obese children. According to expert Pulmonologists from KRIMS Hospitals (which is known as the best critical care hospital in Nagpur ) obesity in children may also lead to breathing problems like sleep apnoea and Asthma. Orthopedic surgeons from KRIMS Hospitals (which is regarded as the best hospital in Nagpur ) say that childhood obesity may also lead to bone and joint problems in the futur