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Common lung problems and causes

Lung related issues are common throughout the world can be caused by many things like smoking, infections, genetics, etc. Lungs are that part of the body that expand several times a day to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. We may observe most of the respiratory problems are caused owing to lung diseases. The needed oxygen in the body does not get in and this gives birth to respiratory disorders. Let’s have a look at common lung diseases and their causes. Asthma Asthma occurs due to inflamed airways which cause wheezing and shortness of breath. Infections, allergies like dust allergy or pollution can cause asthma symptoms. Bronchitis It is a situation where the tubes in the body that carry air to and from the lungs get inflamed. Cold, flu, smoke and other irritants can cause it. If the cough, mucus stays on for three weeks you must definitely see a doctor. Pneumonia In this condition, the air sacs can get infected by a virus, bacteria or fungus which thus get