Thyroid Diseases: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
The summer season brings with it lots of new challenges. Despite the fact that it might be hot outside, the body must adjust to temperature variations. Dehydration, skin burns, fever, heatstroke, and other problems arise as the temperature rises. In order to keep your immune system healthy throughout the summer, you must eat a well-balanced diet that includes seasonal foods and stay hydrated. Some precautions to take during the summer season are mentioned below. Here are some precautions to be taken during summer in India:- Always carry sunscreen :-Always apply sunscreen before going out in the sun to shield yourself from harmful UV rays. It also prevents you from early aging so use sunscreen and keep it with you at all times. Stay hydrated :- Drink plenty of water on a daily basis to stay hydrated. Oranges, watermelons, cucumbers, lemons, and other water-rich fruits must be eaten. In the summer, you should stay fit and hydrated by drinking fruit juices or smoothies, which can help p...