Top 5 natural remedies for migraine treatment

Top 5 natural remedies for migraine treatment

Migraine is a very common condition, according to the Migraine Research Foundation (MRF) Migraine headaches are not just headaches but these are a part of neurological conditions and are often followed by conditions like,

Visual changes
Numbness in hand and feet
Sound, light and smell sensitivity

Migraine headaches are known as chronic disorders and also known to cause negative impact on the patient’s life. There are various medications that are used to heal or ease the migraine pain. But, still there is a group of patients that lie on natural remedies for cure or help.


Acupressure involves the application of pressure on one’s body at specific locations. This pressure is known to relieve and ease the muscle pain. One such well known point of pressure is in the space between the base and of the left thumb and pointing i.e. index finger. As migraine is a chronic disorder, one understand about the factors triggering the headaches slowly.

Common known triggers are,
Processed food
Red wine
Caffeinated beverages
As one gets to know the factors that can trigger the migraine headaches, as one understands the details one can easily try and avoid these factors and thus avoid the headaches.

Essentials oil

Essentials oils are natural antimicrobial and are often used to treat migraine naturally. Lavender essential oil is a well known natural remedy for the treatment of migraine headaches.

In 2014, a study including 200 participants was conducted where the effectiveness of ginger was compared to the effectiveness of Sumatriptan (a known migraine treatment medicine)

Stress Management

Stress commonly triggers migraine headaches. Also, stress is known to create a cycle where stress increases the migraine attacks and migraine attacks cause more stress. Once started, getting out of this cycle becomes a very difficult task.
Here are a few proven helpful remedies.
Stress Management classes.
Warm relaxing baths
Calm music


Yoga is known to bring out a lot of good in the human body. Like, improvement in blood flow and reduced muscle tension too. But, there have been recent studies that have pointed out that yoga can prove to be very helpful with migraine disorders too.

Biofeedback therapy

This therapy is treatment procedure used to relax stressed muscles. This involves placing of small sensors that provide real time feedback about muscle tension, allowing the user to relax the tensed parts.

If you are experiencing chronic headaches, you are advised to consult a doctor immediately, you may be suffering from Migraine. KRIMS Hospitals is known the top critical care hospital in Nagpur and has an elite team of well experienced doctors and expert neurosurgeon in Nagpur too, to help you with any kind of discomfort and headaches.


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